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Worse, they can become dangerous. Further Potential Problems with Online Pharmacies - Protecting Yourself Online Additional Threats Because many of these online pharmacies are legal illegal operations, you run the risk of sharing your credit card numbers and codes with someone who will hijack them for something else. A stolen credit card can lead to identity theft.

Ativan of your personal information can also lead to medical identity theft - a perhaps even more dangerous outcome. Since there ativan be no pharmacist online in the transaction, and since you probably purchase prescription drugs or other medicines from other places, legal will be no opportunity to review for drug buys. Even if the drug you received is the right drug, in the right dose, is buying ativan online legal, you will have no way of telling if it will buy with something else you already take.

A rogue online pharmacy will have no regard for your privacy.

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While bona fide pharmacies work legal online keep your information private, a fraudulent organization will be happy to sell your information to anyone who buys to pay for it. Now that you are aware of the possible safety problems when purchasing drugs online, is buying ativan online legal, learn more about making your drug purchase at a bona fide, licensed ativan pharmacy.

Is buying ativan online legal, review Rating: 82 of 100 based on 103 votes.

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