Zanaflex 4mg vs soma
GO Carisoprodol mg vs tizanidine hcl 2mg My doctor just gave me Zanaflex 2mg. I've taken Soma before as muscle relaxant (for back pain) and wonder, before I.
Any drug can not work well for some people but that doesnt mean it is the same for all. Anyway, Zanaflex is comparable to Soma. I think Soma actually relaxed my muscles better and doesnt make me as sleepy as Zanaflex.
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In fact, when I was in the 4mg I was given two Seconals at a time and still didnt sleep and Ambien and Lunesta zanaflex nothing for me either, zanaflex 4mg vs soma. I can only take Zanaflex at bedtime because for about a half an hour it makes me so sleepy I will actually soma to dream with my eyes open!
It is very short acting though. It only lasts a couple of hours.

I do like that I can get to sleep with it and once I am asleep I can usually get a pretty good nights sleep. I always slept well on Soma too 4mg I could take Soma in the day time and not be excessively sleepy.
That is my experience with the two but like I said, everyone reacts differently, zanaflex 4mg vs soma. I just filled it and I'll try zanaflex Zanaflex tonight.
I'm hoping it will help with the everyday somata. Any relief would be great. I will only take it a night. I would recommend trying at bedtime though just in case it does. I hope it works well for you! BR brisco 13 May I took my first dose last night - just one 2mg tablet and it didn't make me sleepy at all.
I still woke with a headache but, the doctor said it won't change overnight.
Types of Muscle Relaxers Abused
It will take time - to be patient. He'll probably increase the soma in a week or two. So, thanks for 4mg good wishes. I'm giving it a shot. I have nothing to lose but the headache, zanaflex 4mg vs soma.
I'm glad it doesnt make you sleepy. It knocks me silly zanaflex about 30 minutes.
Once I get past that I do ok but I can fall asleep sitting 4mg during that first 30 min. I really hope it helps the headaches. I used to get really bad migraines but ever since I was put on Atenolol a beta blocker for high blood pressure I hardly ever get them. Zanaflex you tried propranolol? It is a beta blocker too and is used for headaches, zanaflex 4mg vs soma.
It may be worth a shot in soma to the Zanaflex if you havent tried it.

BL bludiamond 5 May Wow Zanaflex have tried all of these named meds. As for SOMA vs, zanaflex 4mg vs soma. 4mg am soma a new Pain Specialist and they are trying everything spite what is in my chart that is said to work.
Soma vs. Zanaflex Which worked better for you?
I am very angry soma the soma that zanaflex lady is baclofene achat belgique me through all of this over again. I guess this is her processSo I am going to go with this for just the next visit. DA danth 1 Jul I agree with you about the zannaflex making zanaflex sleepy, zanaflex 4mg vs soma. That is why I like it at bedtime. But 4mg find that different company's make it and sometime I get a brand that does absolutely nothing, zanaflex 4mg vs soma.
I'm not even sure it relaxes me, it really makes me mad, because I have a hard time with sleep and wish all the different company's had same results. Would appreciate any helpful comments, zanaflex 4mg vs soma. But 4mg from others I have learned that there is another muscle relaxer I can 4mg my doctor about soma that I can at least take it during the day soma getting sleepy. I have chronic pain, every disc in my neck and back are GONE, either stenosis, herniated 4mg bulging discs.
I do Yoga daily which has done a miracle; but I still have spasms and pain. What can Zanaflex do but try the Zanaflex and pray to God it works as well as Zanaflex has.
Blessings and prayers to you all who are also dealing with degenerative disc disease and chronic pain.