Share a coke campaign australia case study
Case Study: “Share a Coke” Campaign This campaign was originally created to get more teens to drink Coca-Cola in Australia but succeed in affecting other.
The digital experience enabled people to send a virtual Coke to someone else via Facebook.

As the campaign gained popularity, we did a second release where we let consumers vote for the next wave of names. Members of the South Pacific team atop their offices in Sydney, Australia.
Case study: Share a Coke Campaign Post-analysis
Do you remember the initial reaction? Celebrities were picking up the bottles and talking about them without any formal connection to us. Pretty much immediately, we knew we were on to something.

Social media chatter and media coverage blew up. We always thought it would be big; we were just nervous about getting to market and getting it right. So when it launched with a bang, it was more of a relief than a surprise. What surprised you most about the response?

We were surprised by the degree to which consumers played with the idea and made it their own. I remember my husband and I driving past a church and noticing a sign with slotted letters, like Scrabble.
I thought it was wonderful.

The overwhelming demand for the personalized cans surprised us. They quickly became a must-have object of desire.
We sent traveling kiosks, which consumers could visit to customize a can of Coke, to major shopping malls across the country. The queues stretched around the block… our products became the Christmas gift of the year [summer in Australia falls over the holidays].

I remember seeing the activation in Westfield, where poor Santa had no one to put on his knee! Another surprise was that people were buying Cokes to show people my favorite essay cared for that they missed them… from soldiers overseas in Afghanistan, to loved ones in hospital, to long-lost friends.
Flock Associates - Coca-Cola: Share a Coke With Friends Integrated CampaignIt was an example of how the public took the idea and shaped it themselves. What were seen as your biggest risks?

They texted us the names they wanted to see on the screen. We knew people would want to publish profanity and abusive language, so we had to put filters in place. Getting there was a pretty funny process.
Share a coke campaign australia case study
We had some very senior people in a room literally brainstorming swear words. Also, managing in social media was still relatively new for brands.

The markets that followed us had an entirely new channel to work with. I remember going to the finals of a standup comedy competition in Sydney, where 12 acts were doing short sets. That sealed it for me. Where did the idea go from Australia?
Using Crowdsourcing to Drive Business: 3 Case Studies
New Zealand was second, then Asia. China was the most interesting one; they used nicknames on the cans.

After the Cannes Lions festival [where the campaign picked up seven awards], the whole world was interested. Every country has put a new creative twist on the idea.

Gerry Cyron Ogilvy Strategic Planner: Damian Damjanovski Ogilvy Copywriter: Alex Stainton Ogilvy Art Director: Jakub Szymanski Ogilvy Art Director: Liam Hilliar Ogilvy Art Director: Luke Acret Ogilvy Business Director: The objective was to increase consumption amongst the masses while targeting 24 year-olds and get people talking about Coke. Coca-Cola has always been an integral part of people coming together. But with the world flocking to the digital space, how we connect needed to change.
We had to jump start some apush essay on labor unions conversations - with people you may have lost touch with, or were yet to meet.