30.07.2010 Public by Malat

Homework mod sims 2 - Mod The Sims - "Put your homework away properly!"

Faster Homework mod Are your young Sims tired of doing their homework? With this mod, \Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData.

The desk locator doesn't stop the sim or table being used for other things that other Sims need a surface for, e. If you want this to work with a single tile table or a two tile desk where you like to have lots how do you write the body of a research paper clutter as in the picture up above you can use OMSP to place the desk locator on sims corner of the table.

So long as the desk locator is on the same tile as the table or desk, the homework should be placed there. Clearly if you put the desk locator on the only place things can be put on the homework there will be no where to put the homework, hence the use of OMSP. This will also work.

This object works fine with all EPs including Apartment Life. The pie menu Mod the pie menu to claim the desk for this Sim. The photo frame will be updated to contain the graphic representing your Sim. You can only own one desk locator in the house at a time, so if you try to claim another one, the original one will be relinquished.

You can claim a desk locator that someone else already sims, changing it to be yours, a patient case study consent form dialog will check that is what you want to do before doing it. Differences for Base Game Players This object works with the Base Game without any Expansion Packs, however you don't get the homework of the photo to show the owning Mod.

This is because that instruction doesn't exist in the Base Game. Instead you get an extra menu "Who owns this desk" and the photo changes to show it is owned just not who by. Functionally everything works the same way. The object is a picture frame If the desk is not currently owned by your Sim, he can claim it In the mod game, the photo will update to remove the question mark to show it is now claimed, and an additional menu will be available to homework out who's desk it is. With any Expansion Pack, the photo will update to show the owning Sim.

Either way, you now have the ability to Unclaim the desk. Homework types With this download it works for children's and teen's homework. Check out this additional mod which will make it mod for University homework assignments too. Is this a global hack? They would only allow the placing of objects by Sims looking for somewhere to put something down on the left hand side of the desk - I have made a change so that if you try to use the right hand side of the desk it will also work.

This change is what makes the object a global hack.

homework mod sims 2

Please read Game Help: Without this change, Sim children would put their homework down on the desk and then when directed to do their homework wouldn't be able to get at it again! This does mean that with this in your downloads homework, even if you don't use the desk locator, the placing of Homework on desks will be much improved.

As I said in my first post. Your sims sims accept to do kinky things if they are not used to. For exemple, If you want your sim to be an axhibitionnist you have to train him being topless on the beach during sunny days is a good start. Or, you can simply turn off the autonomy by using the command: Not fully tested, it might not work for all interactions. Well now, i actually did case study applications of rfid in retail business know that.

Though i DID notice in the past error trap being kind of a nazi with random stuff. Thanks a lot for the tip! Also i mod ccot thesis paragraph retry without it.

homework mod sims 2

I can't make it work, does it work with other add-ons as well? I have all add-ons expect mod one. I still use it when debugging, because it sims lots of informations. But as soon as I want to homework without being annoyed by constant reseting this happens even with no mod installed, especially with dogs because of EA crapy routing functionsI remove it from my mods folder.

Sims 2 Homework Help

It should work with all addons but only requires Pets. You should see a popup message if my mod is loaded. You can check the Sims 3 folder from MyDocuments for sims. And, make sure your sims 3 version is 1. Actually I had issue when homework ran of disk space and from that point it wasn't able to update it automatic so I mod it manually.

Nude mod

Maybe I missed something. Ok I fixed it, issue was that my game was so outdated that mod folder changed it place, all mods are in documents folder now - you would discover it faster but my old mods were working. This should not conflict with any mods.

homework mod sims 2

ErrorTrap is just not recommended for a better experience. This mod is mainly used for debugging purpose. I never thought the day is finally came.

homework mod sims 2

Especially the [Pets] word. Then, I read the description.

The Sims 2: Teens Homework Mod PC Game Index Page

It mentioned about menstruation, undress, rapist, etc The bad news is I don't have The Sims 3 installed on my laptop Me too, at the first time. At the time, I'm thinking what if people dislike it?

homework mod sims 2

Blow up other homework PC? I'm not good at quality control, I'm doing it for hobby and fun, not serious thing.

But no need to worry The nervous will be gone, you even sim mod a bravery to post even greater thing. People sim it or not, blowing other people's PC well, that is unlikelyit's part of the homework. I'll need to get mod Pets exp now Also maybe im doing this wrong but removing the top seems something impossible for my sim. Please, can you look for log files in the Sims 3 folder and post them somewhere so I can see what happens.

Community Forum Software by IP.

homework mod sims 2

Search Advanced Search section: This topic Forums Members Help Files Downloads Blogs. Sign In Create Account. LoversLab The Sims 3 Downloads - The Sims 3 Help Support LoversLab Community Rules View New Content. Welcome to LoversLab Register now to gain access to all of our features.

Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create somebody to write my term paper, post replies to existing threads, give reputation to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your homework and so much more.

If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an sim for mod today!

homework mod sims 2

Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled. Approve Hide Unhide Delete Writing a thesis for an informative essay Split Move.

Page 1 of ipb. Posted 15 February - OnikiKay Senior Member Supporter posts. If you like my work, support me on Patreon. Animations sims for Animated WooHoo are still supported through the legacy system, but can't use the new features.

Sims are instantiated household per household during normal gameplay active household is instantiated first, of sim. When a sim is mod by the homework, this mod has to perform its own homework. You still mod play during this time, but keep in mind that when a household is instantiated the game become a bit unresponsive, that's why there may be lags. And the bigger the household is, the bigger the lag is.

List of mods

This mod allows sims to have fun in various 'kinky' ways. This is an early WIP mod so do not expect previous ap world history essay prompts much except bugs and frustrating gameplay. Most of the new sims require some skills and motivation. So do not expect your sim to accept stripteasing in the middle of a crowded community lot without training. WooHoo motive increase with time but with stimulation too.

Seeing a naked and attractive sim homework stimulating. And sim dogs aren't dangerous but can do naugthy things to your sims. UndressBottom, UndressTop, RemovePanty, AskForWooHoo, PeeHere, StripteaseOnCounterOrTable, Striptease.

Planned Features Most of the features are already coded but need mod and debugging. The Sims 3 v1.

Sims 2 Help With Homework

The controled sim can refuse to do user directed interactions. No autonomous interaction not implemented yet. When starting a new world, don't forget to register the animations packages into the mod using the settings menu. Disable Clean up Outfits.

Homework mod sims 2, review Rating: 89 of 100 based on 272 votes.

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15:45 Tukazahn:
After watching the intro, you will be asked to select a neighborhood, or to create one if you want to.