04.01.2010 Public by Malat

Cambridge fce writing part 2 essay - FCE Writing Part 1 Essay Answer ( exam)

Cambridge English: First Writing / Youtube. FCE Tips and Advice / Youtube. FCE Writing Part 2 Brays Part 1 Essay.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

Having shopped both online and in stores, I would say that…. Linkers activity Give out 1 copy of the third page of the handout to each student and have them complete it in pairs.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

Pimp my paragraph Either hand out the paragraph upgrade sheet out or project it on to the board. Students must upgrade the language in the paragraph to make it more impressive and more formal.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

I got these great phrases from another handout I found on the internet: More and more families are choosing to have only one child. The trend nowadays is towards having smaller families.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

Transport We travel much more than we part did in the writing, and trade more than ever. One improvement would be to switch to electric cars, and there has been progress in that direction. Rivers and Seas Seas are essay to acid, cities don't fce clean drinking water, and fish get caught in old bits of plastic.

Better controls in factories and fines for anyone who fails to recycle cambridge.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

Summary Pollution is a problem that affects us all, but we all have the power to make tiny changes that would improve the situation wherever we live. There's no time to ramble and talk about random things like Americans in wigs! I'm quite happy with the addition of the parts in bold, because it links that very start with the very end, and it is something mentioned in the task.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

I wasted a lot of time writing and rewriting this essay, but now I'm in the writing mood and ready to tackle part 2. I'll be much more efficient there. For a start, I'll read the task properly!

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

Any questions or comments? Let me know in the comments section below! Amaia Barrena Azti Tecnalia On my English course, Steve proved to be a very good teacher, always informed about the latest teaching methods available to improve the learning process.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

I flexibly planned class times and could concentrate on my areas of improvement. It was well planned, professional, interesting, interactive, practical and lots of fun. Feng Gao Got 7.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

Christian Bidart Advanced English Student The courses were very interesting and Stephen was one of the best teachers I ever had the pleasure to work with. Asya Volkova Passed Cambridge Proficiency with A grade My teacher motivated me easily because of his experience, dedication and knowledge.

cambridge fce writing part 2 essay

He had excellent communication skills.

Cambridge fce writing part 2 essay, review Rating: 91 of 100 based on 112 votes.

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14:16 Akinolar:
Although they prefer American films for their action, almost everyone agreed that British films are easier to understand. A group of language students age 14 — 18 is going to visit your town.

21:17 Didal:
You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer.

16:29 Mezikora:
FCE Essays You have to write an essay, so this is the first thing you should learn to write. Planning will help you decide what should be in each paragraph.

13:25 Yorn:
Can you answer the question with general writing?

23:28 Fejas:
It was well planned, professional, interesting, interactive, practical and lots of fun.