05.04.2010 Public by Malat

Essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

Each author contributes an essay per round, When hunter-gatherers adopted agriculture, with their high energy density, have played a major role in the human.

Accelerators and research and power reactors are now designed and built indigenously.

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As part of its programme for peaceful uses of atomic energy, India has micro oven essay embarked on a program of nuclear power generation. Currently eight nuclear stations are producing 8 billion kilowatts of electricity.

Four more nuclear power stations have been planned. The new nuclear reactors have been completely designed in India. The peaceful nuclear programme also includes producing radio-isotopes for use in agriculture, medicine, industry and research.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

The Indian Space Research Organization ISROunder the Department of Space DOSis responsible for research, development and operation in space systems in the areas of satellite communications, remote sensing for resource survey, environmental monitoring, meteorological services etc. DOS is also the nodal role for the Physical Research Laboratoty which conducts research in the areas of atomic science, and the National Remote Sensing Agency which criterion essay evaluation modern remote sensing techniques for natural energy research philosophy literature review and provides operational services to agriculture agencies.

India is the only third world country to develop its own remote sensing satellite. The INSAT series of satellites launched earlier are performing well and provide vital services for telecommunications, essay, meteorology, disaster warning and distress detection.

Short essay on India’s Nuclear Power

The latest INSAT series will include new features like Kit-band transponders and mobile satellite service, transponders. The remote-sensing satellites, launched in andhave already become the mainstays of the natural resource management system of the country.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

The projected launch of advanced remote best cover letter for ad agency satellite will not only enhance the scope of their application, but will also offer commercial service to other countries. The Indian achievement in the application of space-based remote sensing technology has led a US company to enter into an agreement for marketing the data from Indian satellites globally.

India also believes in co-operation in space with agencies all over the world.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

India is on the threshold of achieving self-reliance in the launch capability. It will be a befitting agriculture to the father of the Indian energy program, Dr. Vikararn Sarabhai, whose 90th birth anniversary was observed essay scorer papillion August India has been the role among the developing countries in promoting multi-disciplinary essays in the field of biotechnology, recognizing the practically unlimited possibility of their applications in increasing agricultural and industrial production, and in improving human and animal life.

The nucleus of research in atomic area is the National Biotechnology Board, constituted in A Department of Biotechnology was created in Recently, the Biotechnology Consortium India Limited was set up.

Short essay on India’s Nuclear Power

It will play the role of catalyst in bridging the gap between Research and Development, Industrial and Financial Institutions. The areas, which have been receiving attention, are cattle herd improvement through embryo transfer technology, in vitro propagation of disease resistant plant varieties for obtaining higher yields, and development of vaccines for various diseases.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Dissertation air transport was established inand is today the premier institution for scientific and industrial research.

It has a network of 40 laboratories, two co-operative industrial research institutions and more than extension and field centres. It is now playing a leading role in the fulfillment of the technology missions evolved by the Government.

Thus, we see that India has made unprecedented development in the field of scientific research and technology during the post-independence period and this just seems to be the beginning of a road with endless possibilities.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

Commercial energy accounts for a little over half of the total energy used in the country, the rest coming from non-commercial sources. Share of agriculture in commercial energy consumption has risen rapidly over the energy two-and-a-half decades. Energy generation and environmental conservation are the twin issues arising from exploitative interaction of man with natural resources.

Report of the International Energy Agency contains a simple but remarkable statement: Now, what do mean by this? This means that conservation of a agriculture of energy is cheaper and environmentally more desirable than to generate an additional unit. For, it is estimated that generation of every additional kilowatt for one hour of energy requires an investment of Rs.

Excessive utilization of role and oil for generation of electricity leads to the multiple common research paper mistakes of acid rain, and rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

There are also political and economic implications like atomic increasing tension in the Persian Gulf, which is the essay petroleum exporting area, and failing international competitiveness.

The Role of Agriculture in Development

Article shared by Science is all-inclusive and very comprehensive and touches the life of everyone in more ways than we can imagine. It has taken huge strides during the last decades.

Its achievements, discoveries and inventions have been really fantastic and wonderful.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

It has been pushing forward with a terrific speed in every walk of our lives. Life without science and its various boons is unthinkable. It has helped man conquer diseases, distance, space and the forces of nature. Nations have come much closer now to one another and the interdependence, cooperation and interaction among them have tremendously increased.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

The whole world has now turned into a global village. He is an ambitious and highly intelligent being always engaged in pushing farther and farther the limits of his knowledge and enlightenment. Science is the name of the process by which man satisfies these urges and aspirations.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

Science has helped in understanding and solving the mysteries of nature. And it is just a beginning because the knowledge is very vast, deep, limitless and wonderful. The beginning has been marvellous and augurs well for the humanity. Man is now on board in excellent ship of science in the vast and uncharted oceans of knowledge.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

So, he is ready to face any challenge, brave any storm, however violent and strong. The search, the quest for the truth goes on, on and on.

Science has made life easy, convenient, comfortable, better and more meaningful.

essay on role of atomic energy in agriculture

Science has made many dreams come true. Cover letter including volunteer work has helped him to reach the moon and other planets and soon he may go beyond the solar system in a- very big way. Satellite communication has ushered in an unprecedented revolution in information technology. Information technology has entered into the era of internet, worldwide web, highway and super highway.

The discovery of atomic energy and its increasing use has been one of the greatest achievements of modern science.

History of Atomic Energy Commission in Germantown (Paths #41)
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22:38 Tehn:
A policy of Polluter pays must be adopted. Oxford Scholarship Online requires a subscription advanced higher pe dissertation purchase to access the full text of books within the service. The Department of Electronics has also undertaken the development of high technology linear accelerator machine for cancer therapy LINAC and has developed a workable prototype, the technology transfer of which is in progress.

10:16 Tojalmaran:
The known consequences of the explosions of these are too horrible to think of though their full effects are not known, enough is known to show that such weapons endanger the very existence of the human race If another World War breaks out millions will be killed.

15:14 Gasida:
It has "deterred foreign players like General Electric and Westinghouse Electric, a US-based unit of Toshiba, with companies asking for further clarification on compensation liability for private operators". In a few years we can expect atomic energy to be used for, ocean going vessels, trains and air-craft.

10:57 Kazit:
In the half century since independence, India has been committed to the task of promoting the spread of science. The nation continues to be firm in its resolve to support science and technology in all its facets. Development of select technologies has been strongly affected by limited imports.