5 paragraph essay graphic organizer middle school - Etap hotel lessay france
Each of these main ideas will become a paragraph in your paper. Five-Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer. Conserve School.
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Power writing is a type of writing and organizational system that makes it easy to write informational or expository papers. Power writing is similar to outlining. Louis, MO," you are ready to fill out the power-writing umbrella.

The umbrella is a visual cue to help you remember that all your sentences and paragraphs should fit under the topic that you have written on your umbrella. Draw a large umbrella on your paper.
Five paragraph essay graphic organizer middle school | Rgraphic
You do not have to use an umbrella for power writing. You can just write your power outline like a regular outline if you wish. In the top part of the umbrella, write a number 1. This is where you will write your Power 1 sentence or main idea of your five paragraph essay, such as "My Favorite Summer Activities.
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Then skip a few lines and write another 2. Repeat this process until you have three 2s.

These are Power 2s, which are the topics for each of your body paragraphs. Underneath the 2s, write a 3 on each line. The Power 3s will be your details.

So, the power writing outline will look something like this except you may have drawn an umbrella to go with it for your five paragraph essay: My Favorite Summer Activities 2. Swimming at my grandma's pool 3.