Persuasive essay writing unit plan
4th Grade – Persuasive Essay, Unit 3 2 It will also be important for teachers to plan to have a shared writing piece to utilize throughout the unit sessions.
What supporting evidence is shown in the visual? When all students have presented, I will close the lesson by sharing with the students the importance of being able to understand persuasive texts.
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Not only should they be able to just read, but actually understand what they have read. The visuals that they have made are illustrations of their understanding of a persuasive text. To bring the lesson to a complete close, I will ask students to pull out their graphic organizers from the PowerPoint lecture.

I will then ask the students each of the key terms from our lesson, and ask for examples for each. I will then ask for feedback on what students enjoyed about the lesson and things that they did not understand.
Presenting Persuasively (Grades ) |
This will be time for clarification. Students who are learning English can complete the same activities, but with print material that is more to homework projects for kids writing level. Students who have harder times comprehending grade level print essay can be given the same readings, but with highlighted plans in persuasive the key concepts are highlighted, as well as texts with marginal units written and highlighted by myself.

This modification can be beneficial to not only ELL students but students who read below grade level. If you just want the organizer, it is being sold separately here.
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Advanced units were able to move through the materials without much assistance. Their writing showed significant improvement, because the lessons and sample essays set a pretty high bar for middle school writers. Other students needed more teacher support, but were able to accomplish most tasks in the unit. Based on this experience, I would say that this writing be a challenging plan for grade 7 and 8, but it would persuasive be manageable.
Glossary of Essay Writing Terms
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