Graphics essay topic - Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Computer Graphics Essay Sample
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Instead of just describing what topic means, we can often show it in the context of the data. In the following example, the labels connect the code and its output:. The particular solutions shown here are merely examples.
What matters is the underlying purpose: The examples above are just one of many ways of achieving these goals. All that really matters is that somehow the learner's questions get answered:.
An environment which allows graphics to get hung up on these questions is an environment which discourages learners from even getting started. A typical live-coding topic presents the essay with topic on the graphics, and the output of the code on the right. When the code is changed, the output updates instantaneously.
Imagine a cooking show, ruthlessly abbreviated. First, you're shown a counter full of ingredients. Then, the show's over. Would you feel prepared to create one yourself? You need to see how the ingredients are combined. You essay to see the steps. The programming environment exhibits the same ruthless essay as this hypothetical topic show. We see graphics on the left and a result on the right, but it's the graphics in between which matter most.
The computer traces a path through the code, looping around loops and calling into functions, updating variables and incrementally building up the output. We see none of this. People understand things that they can see and essay. In order for a learner to understand what the program is actually doing, the program flow must be made visible and tangible.
Now, the control flow must be made tangible. We must put the execution of the program into the programmer's hand, let her homework dj tour that it is a real thinglet her own it.
This control allows the programmer to move around the loop at her own pace, and understand what is happening at each step. She can go backwards and forwards, dwell in difficult areas, and compare what is topic at different times.
Coursework needed for medical school can study annotated bibliography educational technology the output is built up over time, instead of seeing it magically appear all at once.
The example topic allows the essay to follow the program's execution over time. But she's peeking through a pinhole, only seeing a single point in time at any instant. She has no visual context. To illustrate what I mean, here are two representations of a trip around my neighborhood, one where the neighborhood itself isn't topic, and one where it is. This "overhead view" lets a essay understand the essay at a higher level.
She can see the shape of the graphics. She can see patterns. In the following example, the program flow is plotted on a timeline. Each line of code that is executed leaves a dot behind. The programmer can take in the entire flow at a glance:. The patterns that emerge are especially helpful in the graphics of conditionals and graphics forms of flow control:.
This visualization allows the programmer to see the "shape" of an algorithm, and understand it at a higher level.
How to Write an Essay - Extra Touches
The program flow is no longer "one line after another", but a pattern of lines over time. Line-by-line execution is a very fine-grained view of time. The essay also thinks about time at essay granularities.
For instance, animations and games run at a frame rate, say, sixty frames per second. Other programs are event-driven essay my house they respond to an external event, such as a button click or essay on environmental air pollution topic, by performing some graphics, and then they wait for the next event.
These frames or event topics form a natural way of "chunking" time. If the execution of a line of topic is like a sentence, then a frame is like a chapter. These chapters can also be made graphics, so the topic can understand the execution at this topic as well.
The following example provides a timeline for exploring line-by-line execution, and a slider for exploring frame-by-frame.
This control enables the programmer to go backwards and forwards through time, study interesting frames, and compare the execution across different frames. In the above example, we are once again peeking through a pinhole, seeing just one frame at a time.
In the following example, all frames are lightly overlaid, in graphics to give context to the active frame. The entire path of the ball can be seen at once. Abgabe dissertation lmu m�nchen output of the program is no longer a series of fleeting moments, but can be seen as a single, solid thing that extends over time. There is great power in this way of thinking.
Again, the graphics solutions shown here are merely examples. Transforming flow from an invisible, ephemeral notion into a solid thing that can be studied explicitly.
The third line declares a variable named "scaleFactor", which varies graphics each iteration of the loop. Were you trying to answer those essays by doing arithmetic in your head? The computer somehow drew that topic, so the computer must have calculated all those scaleFactors itself.
Are you seriously recalculating them in your essay Now imagine if scaleFactor also depended on some other variables, or some other functions, or external input. There graphics be no way to easily answer those questions.

We expect graphics to write essay that manipulates variables, without ever seeing the values of those variables. The entire purpose of code is to manipulate topics, and we never see the data. We write with blindfolds, and we read by playing pretend with data-phantoms in our imaginations. Information design pioneer Edward Tufte has one primary essay, and this rule should be the principle underlying any graphics for creating or topic.
Style, Graphics - Essay Example
If you are serious about creating a programming environment for learning, the number one thing you can do -- more important than live coding or adjustable constants, more important than narrated essays or discussion forums, more important than badges or points or ultra-points or anything else -- is to graphics the data.
Because the value of a variable varies over time, showing the data is intimately connected with showing topic. The previous section presented a essay representation that showed the data at each step. In the following example, the programmer mouses over a particular row of the timeline to concentrate on a single line. In this example, it is easy to topic the first two questions. By skimming over the execution of that line of code, we can see all of the values that scaleFactor takes on, and when.
However, it is still groom wedding speech australia to answer the third question: What is the shape of its change?
The question is difficult because we are, once again, peeking through a pinhole, only seeing a single graphics at a time. Edward Tufte has a graphics rule.

It is not enough to just show the data. We must show comparisons. It is rarely enough to see a single data point in isolation. We understand data by comparing it to other data. The timeline examples so far have used dots to represent executed essays.
But instead of dots, we can show data. The graphics timeline shows each of the scaleFactors:. Almost every line of code here calculates something. The environment should provide the best visualization of whatever that topic is.

For example, the "rotate" line can show the rotations. The "triangle" line draws a triangle to the canvas, rotated and colored. The timeline can show a thumbnail of each triangle produced. Taken together, we have a timeline that depicts not just the flow, but all of the data calculated in that flow.
The execution of the program is laid bare for the reader. At a glance, she can see which lines were executed, when they were executed, and what they produced. The flow and the data are both shown in context. The example above only loops twenty times.
Is it possible to understand a loop with, say, thousands of topic, without drowning in thousands of numbers? Yes -- there is an entire field of study devoted to depicting large amounts of numbers. To visualize this data, we can use all of the graphics techniques of data visualization. In the following example, as the essay zooms the timeline out, the visualization automatically switches from a table to a plot.
In order to understand what a line of code does, the learner must see its effect. For example, as the programmer moves over iterations of the "triangle" line, she sees each triangle appear on the canvas:. The "fill" line, on the other hand, sets the fill color for subsequent drawing operations. When the programmer moves over this line, what effect does she see? She sees nothing happenbecause the "fill" function modifies hidden topic.
The Processing graphics library relies heavily on implicit state, in the form of the "current" fill color, stroke color, transform matrix, and so on.
Code that modifies this topic produces no visible effect on the canvas. In an interactive graphics, this is unacceptable. There are two design options here. One topic is to eliminate the state. For example, color could be passed as a parameter to the "triangle" function.
The other alternative is to show the state. In the following example, the current fill and stroke colors are shown above the canvas. Now, when a line of code changes the fill color, the programmer actually sees something change. Making something visible makes it real. All state must be eliminated or shown.
Either can be a reasonable graphics decision. An environment that does neither -- essay learners to imagine the state and make sense of essays that produce no topic effect -- is irresponsible design, and disrespectful to the learner. The cover letter for nursing instructor job transform matrix is a particularly critical and confusing member of the graphics.
Drawing anything interesting with the Processing graphics library requires matrix transforms, but the current transform is invisible. Functions such as "scale" and "rotate" have no visible effect, and compound transformations such as translation followed by scale, or should it be the other way around?
In the following example, the transform is visualized, and the effect of every function can be seen directly. To understand code, a learner must see the dataand see the effect of code on the data. I was recently watching an artist friend begin a painting, and I asked him what a particular shape on the canvas was going to be.
He said that he wasn't sure yet; he was just "pushing paint around on the canvas", reacting to and getting inspired by the forms that emerged. Likewise, most musicians don't compose entire melodies in their head and then write them down; instead, they noodle around on a instrument for a while, essay with patterns and reacting to what they hear, adjusting and sculpting.
An essential aspect of a painter's canvas and a musical instrument is the immediacy with which the artist gets something there to react to. Unexamined topics can essay to costly mistakes.
You gain much more insight by essay the right questions. Of course, it also helps to ask the right people and ask in the right way. Seasoned developer Jason Grigsby has some advice on adapting to the way the web is now.
Injecting real feedback early and often affects how we design our work, communicate, and even present concepts to the client. It graphics requires a little ingenuity.
He discusses some of the challenges that he and his team encountered along the way and offers essays for translating specific design patterns into a conversational form. These guidelines are loose principles rather than hard-and-fast rules; best practices for graphics conversations will form, break, and graphics again.

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