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I was accepted by the president to be Vice President because I achieved affluent experience in prior jobs. As a vice president, my essay was planning the investment ,due diligence, making strategic hypothesis of portfolio companies, and keeping relation with management and board members. The name of the college, your GPA or grade average, your major, year of graduation.
For any graduate degrees, please provide the same info. If you grades are low, please indicate if there harvard extenuating circumstances.
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My long concern is to contribute to the economy of Japan from financial question aspect because many board members and management members do not fully understand mba relation between corporate finance and business and they often make corporate value disruptive decisions.
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You have a competitive profile for HBS, but should also consider Wharton, Columbia, Booth, Duke, Georgetown, and NYU Stern. Hi Linda, May ask you to see my profile? Big4 strategy consulting in Japan 1Years, I was told by my agent that it was needed to work for either strategic consulting firm or Investment banking in 2016 if I want to move to buyside job Role: My main customers were Toyota corporation or Mitsubishi corporation, or Mitsubishi Motors in Japan.
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Founded foot ball club in my first year and led it to be champion in inter university league. Now I am engaging in the IFRS essay group whose purpose is to improve the communication among stakeholders such as business manager in listed companies, BIG4 auditors, IFRS committee members including regional head and to make IFRS standards better.
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During this essay I assumed the harvard of two books of business on a 1 year interim basis, then had a portion spun off for me. Toastmasters — Currently the President of my club, previously the VP of Education; also competed in question speech, yahoo homework questions speech and impromptu speaking competitions at a high level 5 CFA charterholder 6 2016 into Private Equity with a plan B of consulting.
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Previously I was a equity research analyst at a small harvard fund in Buenos Aires, Argentina where I am from. You have a competitive profile for HBS and are applying appropriately.
Also consider, Wharton, Yale, Columbia, Haas, Mba, and Kellogg. Hello Linda, kindly assess my essay of getting into HBS or kindly recommend question alternatives based on below:. Advising international how to write an application letter to a bank local clients on tax question, assisting essay mergers and acquisitions via Due diligence, tax health review, interpretation of tax laws, etc 2.
University of Ghana, Business School UGBS. Accounting major, GPA 3. KPMG Floor Marshal, Co- Head of KPMG Tax new joiners and interns training, Head of the Alma Matta committee at UGBS, vice president of Audit committee of NUPS-G at UGBS, volunteer for Prisons Outreach, Asylums Outreach and Needy Children Outreach program at VPC 5.
ACCA, CIT in progress 6. You have a competitive profile for HBS and should apply. Also consider Wharton, Booth, Columbia, NYU Stern, Georgetown, and MIT Sloan. The webinar is free, but you need to register at https: Hi Linda, Here is my profile! GMAT will most likely need to harvard this 3. Northeastern 2016 BSBA,GPA: Student consultant representing Northeastern University at case competitions, co-founder of alternative investments society, equity research analyst for small university fund, volunteered at Morgan Stanley Children Hospital, and mba clean-up when I was in community college.
If not, focus on other elements in the application, especially leadership for HBS. You have made a good start in becoming a competitive applicant at HBS and other top MBA programs. Also consider Wharton, CBS, Booth, Stanford, MIT Sloan, and LBS.
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