5 paragraph essay on jackie robinson
Jackie Robinson impacted the game of baseball more than any other individual but he also impacted many other things because of his accomplishment. Breaking the color.
Jackie was the youngest of five children.

When he was six months old, his father deserted the family. His mother moved them to California where it was easier for blacks to live and get work. In those days, life was very hard for black people in the South.

This upset young Jackie. He became very involved in sports. He played football, basketball, baseball and ran track.

In college he was a top football player. He left college before graduating. Jackie worked for the National Youth Administration at a work camp but the camp was closed.
In the fall ofhe joined the Honolulu Bears professional football team and then was drafted into the Army. While stationed in Kansas with the Army, he worked with Joe Louis, a famous boxer, to fight unfair treatment of black people in the military.
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