Essay if i were a prime minister of pakistan - If I were prime minister of Pakistan in I would… – The Express Tribune Blog
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This will surely help those people earning their living. I would device such policies that aim that creating more job opportunities and enabling ownership of assets to the poor. Independence from Foreign Aid: And these great leaders are lauded with Nobel prizes for such acts of charity.

Therefore, to work more efficiently and effectively, we must rely on our own strength and say no to Foreign Aid. Generate Revenue Through Tax: One of the most important thesis concrete detail commentary for any Government to generate funds is through taxes.
We are a peaceful nation and a developing country with a very short history and we are a victim. Our resources were never enough to tackle this humongous task all on our own.

Excellencies, we are basically a nation of peaceful people, who are working extremely hard to keep our heads above water. Islam teaches tolerance and fairness and we as part of the Muslim world are very staunch supporters of this concept. In-between, we faced severe sanctions too.
August Issue 2014
We have struggled and struggled hard and alone. We are now a country with nuclear assets and we have these assets for our survival and defense to maintain a peaceful equilibrium in the Indo-Pak Region.

I must inform you and I must contest vehemently that we are wrongly blamed for the current and past turmoil in Kashmir. The Security Council has passed numerous resolutions about plebiscite in Kashmir and the first Prime Minister of India was on board with these resolutions. What is stopping this august body, the Security Council and the United Nations as whole, to move ahead on those resolutions?

Having your forces on the Control Line is no answer to the problem. On the basis of Muslim brotherhood, our people help the people in Kashmir to whatever extent possible.
The foreign education system shall be ended i.
If I were the prime minister of Pakistan | TNS - The News on Sunday
Cambridge and edexcel system and the only education system run throughout the country would be the Pakistani education system so that all the nation gets equal level of education. Education shall be made free and compulsory till matriculation throughout the country. The budget shall also be changed and made compatible for the poor.
The elite class shall be the one paying the maximum taxes. Different committees shall be formed that shall keep an eye on different institutions and their performances. The aids from the US shall be ended at the very first moment and we shall bring our economy up gradually by our own selves.
Free Essays on If I Were A Prime Minister Of Pakistan
The ties with friendly and actually loyal countries such as China, Iran etc shall be made stronger. Employment shall be given strongly on merit bases. And a committee shall be checking all the institutions in this regard.

Then the business sector shall also be kept under the eyes of the law. No company shall be allowed to earn abnormal profits in the country.
The shops and markets shall be visited by the committees occasionally for checking the price rates.