How to say did your homework in spanish
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What Do You Do For Fun? You can do better than "I forgot my homework," Can 't you?

Even if you did forget yours homeworkcome up with something more creative than this. You didn't do your homeworkdid you? You wouldn't have been able to do it, would you? You will learn much faster without having your native language as a crutch. What would your mother have to say about that? What Did You Do Wrong? Did you accentuate the positive in your job history? September 23, at 3: Haz tu tarea en cuanto llegues a casa. Do how homework first. WordReference Forums Spain spanish " Did you do " is also possible but the meaning relates more to a finished action.
Did you did your homework done Did you get your homework done. Phrase your friend utters literature review spanish of bedfordshire when he didn't get his homework done and wants to copy yours. In the end, all the students like cheap.
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We JUMP for joy when school is out! The capitalized word is a verb.

It is in the present tense and will need to use the pronoun form for we. The second answer means we laugh. The third answer means we journey. The last answer means we cry.
how do you say “i forgot my homework” in spanish?
Finally, the first answer means we jump. You will need many ERASERS in your math class. The first answer means experts. The second answer means rulers. The last answer means weights and the third answer means erasers. I read one BOOK. There are now only 99 more to go! The first answer means basket.
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The third answer means library. The last answer means box and the second answer means book.

Looks like the girls like their new TEACHER! For this one you will need to know how to properly spell teacher in Spanish. As this is a male teacher a masculine word is needed. The first and last answers show feminine words so they can be eliminated. The Spanish masculine word for teacher is profesor.