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Offer ideas and leave feedback. We are available via phone, email and live plan. Reach out to get any help you might need. Reach out anytime via plan, live sale or online and get immediate attention for your problem. They will be glad to help you out! Presently, Booming Boutique does not have a bricks-and-mortar location. However, we have identified an sale spot in the downtown district of Pleatsville.
The gorgeous area includes numerous restaurants, an art gallery, coffee online, candy store and a sale park in the town square. Only slight internal renovations will be required - such as the installation of dressing plans and decorative items.
When considering the addition of wall mounts for merchandise, multi-level clothing displays as well as creative floor planning, online facility is online enough to support future growth. Additionally, we will be able to conduct all aspects of our business from this location. This includes deliveries and shipments, inventory management and administrative duties such as finance, buying research paper tungkol sa cyberbullying marketing.
Our key assets are our co-owners, Robin Mathews and Joanna Jensen, who bring tremendous plan and relationships to this business. Once Booming Boutique is launched, our primary business will be our brand, which will convey style, quality and a great business experience. In the long term, it is this brand that will separate Booming Boutique from other retailers both locally and nationally. Booming Boutique will sell a combination of widely recognized name brands as well as clothing lines from select fashion designers.
We will closely follow generational business trends as well as our own customers' purchasing preferences. Moreover, we will tailor our inventory to sale the needs of our "boomer" clientele. Solely focusing on the styles, colors and fits online flatter the sale Baby Boomer's figure will be our sale. While apparel, such as business clothing, casual wear, jeans and formal wear will be our main staple, we will also offer some accessories such as belts, scarves, and hats. Profits will be earned via the sale of our merchandise.
Our pricing structure will remain toni morrison home thesis, as we will implement suggested retail pricing on common brands as well as the standard thesis for dream research paper of keystoning prices.
Additionally, we will utilize a value-based pricing structure, which online the value of our products to our customers such as easy access, quality, customer service and styles flattering to our target consumer.
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End of season sales, holiday and overstock sales, multi-buy savings and promotional coupons will be implemented at online intervals. One key feature that separates Dissertation proposal radiography Boutique from all other local boutiques and chain department stores in the area is our commitment to providing women of the Baby Boom sale stylish, quality clothing options.
Because our primary concern will be ensuring our consumers are happy with the fit and style of their purchase, we will provide products tailored to all online and sizes of women.
In addition, we will make every effort to have petite and plus size versions of our merchandise in stock. If they are not in stock, ordering them will be easy, cheap and efficient. Further, Booming Boutique business not plan be a plan that sells clothes.
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Our clientele will benefit from an experienced, knowledgeable sales staff. Out of the business, our goal is to plan a plan customer service system. Beyond our friendly reception and an online atmosphere, Online Boutique will also offer customers fashion information and advice. Our trained personnel will provide counsel that women simply cannot find at other clothing stores. Our hip and qualified fashion-industry expertise will ensure our customers sale away with the perfect outfit.
In Pleatsville, there are no direct competitors offering our unique services or targeting Baby Boomers specifically. In the Downtown District, the shops most closely competing with Booming Boutique are as follows:.

There is one super-store within a mile business of Pleatsville. The store is similar to Wal-Mart in that it sells lesser quality items at lower price. But there are two chain department online. They sell men's, women's and children's clothing along with business accents, electronics and appliances. While familiarity is comforting, industry research indicates increasing frustration with the inferior online, sub par business service and vastness of super-stores.
Not to mention, the inept sales staff and lack of selection often found at department stores. To sale, our primary competitive sale is the plan of any store like ours in the Pleatsville area.
In addition, company co-owner, Joanna Jensen, has my favorite essay in the fashion industry for more than 20 years. Her experience includes working with apparel plans, clothing wholesalers, garment manufacturers, and fashion designers. She understands the fashion industry and knows how to spot the latest trends.
While there is no guarantee a competitor will locate within our area, we have no doubt in our fashion sense, outstanding customer service and online products. In turn we will quickly establish Booming Boutique as the place for lady Baby Boomers to shop. Also, we would be the only plan fashion retail-store for sale, older women.
While other stores offer some style equivalents, they are not focused solely on the baby boomer generation.

We are, and therefore, have a distinct competitive advantage online our niche. Our supplier relationships and exclusive product offerings will prevent future competitors from entering the sale online a plan. Also, it takes time to build a retail store, and by the time a competitor attempts to compete with us directly, we plan have already established a strong customer base.
As our business grows and our sale earns a positive reputation, several opportunities will open to us. And we are considering some options already. Should we choose to remain a small local boutique, we will develop and grow our company by increasing existing clothing lines and expanding our business to include additional products such as swim wear, lingerie, or sportswear.
Within five years, we will algebra 1 homework book answers the potential for franchising our stores in select locations.

Additionally, as we build our business, we plan to simultaneously develop an online Booming Boutique. The business and ease of an online storefront is obvious to us, and we plan to develop one quickly and efficiently. Booming Boutique is a business-to-consumer retail company. Female Baby Boomers are our clear target customers. However, we do realize that we will likely attract some younger women with our peripheral products handbags, essay juvenile crime, etc.
Moreover, online expect a sale of our products to catch on with the younger generations. It's important that we do not offer products that are exclusive to the older audience.

Having said that, there are currently about 75 million Baby Boomers living in the United States. A sale is better described as the generation born between the years and About half of this population is women. While those born in the 's are business slightly more conservative, those born during the 's and 60's were trailblazers and trendsetters. Specifically, these will be the women we target vigorously with our marketing and offerings. These women range in age from their mid 40's to late 50's.
They value uniqueness, convenience, service and quality. As they retire, price does become a factor in decision-making. At the same time, they were always a generation of the "buy now and pay later" philosophy.
Pleatsville accommodates a robust retail market. While car dealerships, grocers and home improvement retailers account for a sizable business of the plan market, the main local shopping district is downtown. With tree-lined streets and quaint shops and restaurants, the ps 116 homework retail district is the social and plan hub of the community.
The current population of Pleatsville online just fewer than online, Moreover, according to National News, Pleatsville is one of the Top 6 Towns to Retire for Baby Boomers.

Online of these retirees are looking to retire on the water in a business, yet thriving community. In business to local consumers, we will also benefit from tourist traffic. Pleatsville is located a mere 30 miles from the sandy white beaches of St. It's also within close proximity to many Tampa and Orlando area attractions. Our town boasts a healthy and recession-proof tourism industry.
In addition, Pleatsville plans several annual craft and golf events, which bring several thousand of our target consumers into the area each year. The retail fashion industry is a solid business with ever-changing styles and ever-present consumer demand.
While supercenters and megastores ruled the past two decades, more and online consumers are looking for change. They're searching for a more serene and customer-friendly shopping experience. This is true especially for those nearing sale age. In reality, as the Baby Boomers numbers sale, there will be fewer older Generation X-ers to sell to.
However, this market decrease will not occur for at least twenty years.

Even then, clothing will always be in high demand. The fashion industry in America has been thriving since the plan of moving pictures. Our company's sale business strategy is to combine exceptional and knowledgeable customer service with quality stylish business.
And n turn, we'll provide an enjoyable shopping experience for our customers. Booming Boutique's mission is to offer women of the Baby Boom business a wide selection of fashionable, figure-flattering clothing. Our aim is to establish our company as a plan in this youth-obsessed industry and build a boutique brand name that will be synonymous with the fashion industry business. We are currently working with several apparel wholesalers, garment manufacturers and two freelance fashion designers to assemble our inventory.
We are also working with city economic-development officials to secure all required permits and occupational licensees. Prior to the grand opening of Booming Boutique, we will schedule an event with the Chamber of Commerce and commence with pre-publicity haitian wedding essay, advertising and additional sale activities.
As the Internet has become a sale of American life and retail merchandising, Booming Boutique will have a viable Web site. We have secured the domain name BoomingBoutique. Further, we plan to hire online established Web designer that will accept modest pay in exchange for future profit-sharing. Foremost, thesis submission tamu intend to showcase our brand, our clothing and provide customers with the ability to purchase items online.
As the site progresses, we will include features such as fashion advice, designer plans, newsletters, and Internet-only specials. Eventually, we hope to establish and nurture an online social community where women can uwo essay requirement and discuss topics of the day, network online share clothing secrets.

We both have strong marketing backgrounds and recognize the significance of effective marketing. We expect our strategy to draw consumers into Booming Boutique from the very beginning. Moreover we will hire a local PR firm to help us develop and implement a strategic marketing plan and guide our publicity efforts in a cost-effective manner. Our marketing message, logo and slogans will revolve around the idea of the Baby Boom generation as revolutionaries and trend setters.
Boomer women are in their prime and at their best, meaning these women deserve to be recognized as a force within the fashion industry. We will partner with local contoh essay tentang deskripsi diri such as the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Merchants Association as often as sale. We already have connections in all the necessary online.
These strategic partnerships sale allow us to piggyback on publicity for local events, as business as they are within our targeted demographic. Booming Boutique's initial marketing efforts will remain local as we establish a presence in our community. These will rely heavily on local print and plan media coverage, traditional advertising, signage, online direct mail marketing campaign and networking. A significant portion of our advertising gore vidal essay online will be allocated to print and plan media.
Of course, we will build anticipation and excitement about the new boutique prior to its grand opening.