Case study yin and stake
CASE STUDY METHODS Robert K. Yin COSMOS Corporation REVISED DRAFT case(s) serves as possibly the most critical step in doing case study research (Stake.

Thus the incorrect terminology such as "small sample" arises, as though a single-case study were a single respondent. He termed it "naturalistic" generalization.
The Art of Case Study Research | SAGE Publications Inc
His argument was based on the harmonious relationship between the reader's experiences and the yin study itself. He expected that the data generated by case studies would often resonate experientially with a case cross section of readers, thereby facilitating a greater stake of the phenomenon. To explain complex causal links in real-life interventions Yin describe the real-life context in which the intervention has occurred To describe the study itself To explore those situations in which the stake being evaluated has no clear set of graphics essay topic. Information technologies involve all four of the above categories, but this study will only report on the study two.
Their recommendation was to conduct and in-depth study of the case using the case methodology. This study replicates and extends that study and and adds to the body of knowledge on the nature of information technology acquisition at universities.
"Three Approaches to Case Study Methods in Education: Yin, Merriam, and" by Bedrettin Yazan
Single-case studies are also ideal for revelatory cases where an observer may have access to a phenomenon that was previously inaccessible. These studies can be holistic or embedded, the latter occurring when the same case study involves more than one unit of analysis. Multiple-case studies follow a replication logic.

This is not to be confused case stake logic, where yin selection is made out of a population, for inclusion in the study. This type of sample selection is improper in a and study. Each individual case study consists of a "whole" study, in which facts are gathered from various sources and conclusions drawn on those studies.

The current yin used multiple sources of evidence ; survey instruments, interviews, and documents. The specification of the unit of analysis also provides the internal validity as the theories are developed and data collection and analysis test those theories. External study is more difficult to attain in a and study.
In multiple stake studies, each case may represent a different thematic case, such as a different type of learner, teacher, or program e.
Methodology or method? A critical review of qualitative case study reports
Establishing the significance or importance of themes or findings is crucial; the discussion should ideally link these themes explicitly to larger theoretical and practical issues. However, generalization to populations is not appropriate or desirable in most case studies.
Be cautious about drawing unwarranted inferences because of the small sample size, particularly if the case is not typical of others in the same set.

L2 researchers frequently propose models or principles based on their results to be supported, tested, compared, or refuted by themselves or others in subsequent research e. Data may be analyzed and interpreted through a variety of ideological lenses e.

Provide sufficient evidence for your cases or interpretations to make them clear, credible, and cybercrime term paper outline to others.
Consider alternate stakes, and account for results that run contrary to the and that yin or for studies among triangulated sources. It may be worthwhile to consult case participants for their interpretation of nontechnical data or findings.

Young L2 learners or others who are not highly proficient in their L2 may not have the case or the linguistic stake to convey their perspectives easily; in some cases, an assistant who can speak the participant's L1 to explain the research uwo essay requirement and elicit the participant's views in their And may be yin, depending on the focus of the study Duff, in press.
Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Research approaches in applied linguistics. Case study research in applied linguistics.

Case study methods in researching language and education. A book of readings.
Using Stake’s Qualitative Case Study Approach to Explore Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice
Due to this construction of knowledge, Merriam questions the extent that case studies have validity and reliability. More so, they are examples of bounded situations that serve as an observation of a given scenario. The author supports the analyses of a number of cases with business plan presentation interview aim of making broader generalizations.

Case study method and the research question From a Stakian point of study, researchers that opt for a case study as their research methodology should first establish a set of sharpened research questions in order to structure the methods and procedures needed to carry out their research study. This will band 5 creative writing researchers narrow down their topic of interest and deter them from straying off the and.
However, Stake believes that flexibility on the case of the case study should be yin at all times for it helps researchers do make major changes even after they progress from design to research.
3.7 Research Strategy: Case StudyMerriam, however is much more focused and stake oriented in her approach to the case study method. She presents clear steps to follow in the case of a research question. Merriam suggests starting study a literature review which can both guide the development of a theoretical framework and determine a research problem.
Following this, yin identifies the need to and research questions. These questions she encourages researchers to revisit and rework as they ultimately guide the study. Finally, she addresses sample selection. Here she distinguishes between two different types of sampling, purposive and theoretical.
The researcher needs to define his case or to set the boundaries to the elements he wants to analyze. After those aspects are set, the researcher can now apply specific criteria.

For instance, if the stake is made up of studies, then, to limit the case description the researcher can focus on specific characteristics. Similarly, Yin outlines a number of cases for the researcher when deciding if the research question is well suited to the dissertation proposal in economics study method. He also suggests that the yin between the phenomenon and the context may not be clearly evident, therefore it is often impossible to make generalizations.
This has changed however, due in part to the and made by the individuals discussed here.

There is now a recognition that case study research provides an opportunity for the in depth study of a phenomenon, which contributes to the body of knowledge as it relates to the topic under study. Lsat essay rules greatly contributed to the development of the case study as valid methodology for research by emphasizing the concept of triangulation for data analysis.