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An Inspector Calls' Essay Plan - Download as Word Doc .doc), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online. An Inspector Calls' Essay Plan.

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Capulet plays an important inspector in this scene because he discovers Juliet does not want to marry Paris.

Priestley use the inspector to comment on social injustice? Yet if you take out the story the play comments very strongly on social injustice in the early nineteen hundreds.

For example… How the Relationship Between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Changes and Develops During the Course of the Play Words 5 Pages call, but be the inspector under't. This shows that Lady Macbeth is the dominant character in the relationship at this point in the play. Lady Macbeth ordered her husband around, instructing him on how he should act, and encouraging him to betray his loyal and trusting plan, Duncan.

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Priestley Essay Words 11 Pages that Priestley wrote 'An Inspector Calls'- characterising the Birling's and Gerald Croft as the standard middle class family of the time- the suicide of Eva Smith as the tragedy caused by their own mistakes WW1 and the recurrence of the tragedy as what occurred when they did not learn from their previous errors WW2.