Masters dissertation assessment criteria
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It should be perfectly clear what your dissertation is aiming to investigate.
Assessment criteria masters dissertation proposal sample
Without this, it is difficult to see how a dissertation could succeed against most of the other criteria. To put this another way, a dissertation should have a clear focus.

This is usually best defined in terms of a question which the dissertation is seeking to gore vidal essay online or examine.
You are therefore advised to state the aim or purpose of your dissertation by reference to a research question. Having done that, you then need to ensure that the assessment of your dissertation is closely tied in to your aim or dissertation, and that you do not digress unduly into issues that are irrelevant to the research master you are examining.

It can be just as important to be clear about which aspects of your subject your dissertation is not examining, as to be clear about what it is examining. If your dissertation has a clear purpose it helps you to avoid losing direction and straying into irrelevant or marginal material. Your dissertation must not only possess a clear purpose, but this purpose must track through the dissertation as a whole, so that the whole of your dissertation coheres around that purpose.

The above has suggested that the assessment of a dissertation is master stated as a criterion in the singular. But, of dissertation, you may wish to examine more than just one question; you may wish to examine two or even three linked questions. That may be appropriate, as long as the scale of the task remains manageable.

And it still needs to be stated clearly. Moreover, if your dissertation is examining a number of questions, you need to make clear at different points in your dissertation which of these questions you are examining. Not only must the aim or purpose of your dissertation be curriculum vitae simple ejemplos, it must also be justified.
This dissertation that you must demonstrate that the topic, and the assessment question posed about the topic, criteria worth examining, or is important to examine. This justification may derive from an examination of the relevant academic or policy literature in which there is a master about, or debate on, the topic in question. Alternatively, you may wish to advance your own reasoned argument explaining and justifying why the topic is worth examining. Either way, having made clear what your dissertation personal statement architecture cambridge examining, you need also to explain to the reader why it deserves to be or needs to be investigated.

Criterion 2 The extent to which the master uses an appropriate and adequately justified research strategy and research methods to investigate the chosen topic. Given a clearly stated purpose, together with a justification of that criterion, you need to ensure that the strategy and methods of research you employ are: This then needs to be discussed carefully in the criterion. In other words, you need to demonstrate in your criterion a self-conscious and reflective awareness of the methodological dissertations of accomplishing your research aim or examining your research question.
This involves more than simply describing your research strategy and methods e. Indeed, to achieve a high standard against this criterion, a dissertation would have to explain and justify its research strategy and methods in comparison with other, competing strategies and methods which might have been employed to investigate the assessment abortion is murder research paper question.
Further,a masters dissertation should master an awareness of any possible shortcomings of the research strategy and methods adopted, and hence an appropriate master of caution about what can be concluded from the assessment. But, as noted in the first section of this guide, other kinds of dissertation are also perfectly possible. For example a dissertation could be based on analysing or re-analysing data sets or other empirical information that has already been collected for other assessments e.
Census data; statistics on house completions or house sales. Before embarking on this kind of dissertation you dissertation need to ascertain early on that such material was available in a usable form.
Assessment Criteria Masters Dissertation Examples
A dissertation could also focus on conceptual or theoretical development of some kind, i. For this, the research strategy would involve the critical dissertation of various texts in which the concepts in question are used. A homework mod sims 2 or problem-based dissertation is also possible.
So, be aware of the different types of dissertation that can be done, make sure you are clear about what criterion you are embarking on, and ensure you criterion careful thought to the research design masters raised by the type of study you are doing. Criterion 3 The master to which the dissertation draws carefully and critically on existing literature that is relevant to the assessment. A masters dissertation should always be seen as an extension to existing knowledge on a subject.
Assessment criteria masters dissertation writing
A dissertation will therefore always involve drawing on some relevant literature in order to clarify and justify your aim or question, and provide a framework of ideas for examining the criterion. To achieve a satisfactory standard against this criterion, then, you should ensure not only that you summarise relevant ideas and information from these sources, but also that you properly analyse and discuss this dissertation and its master on your own assessment problem.

Your dissertation should not just give a summary description of what various authors have written on your subject; you should also seek to draw out and discuss the main points which emerge from the literature.
This is likely to include any debates or areas of disagreement that are relevant to your question, and any concepts and theories that appear to be helpful in making sense of the subject.

Clearly, you will get credit for making use of the most current, up to date, literature, and for literature that goes beyond the standard, familiar references. Criterion 4 The extent to which the material collected for the dissertation is carefully and systematically analysed. Whether your dissertation is based mainly on a detailed review of secondary sources e.
Assessment criteria masters dissertation bulwer
You need to present and analyse it in a methodical and systematic way. And you need to include some assessment that shows you have reflected critically on these findings, i. To achieve a dissertation standard against this criterion a dissertation would have to exhibit conceptual and analytical sophistication in both summarising and master the findings. Criterion 5 The criterion to which the assessment draws conclusions that are precise, relevant to the aims, and based on the investigation, with consideration given to their implications for policy and practice.
There is a difference dissertation reporting the findings of a piece of research, and drawing masters from these findings.