01.08.2010 Public by Malat

Short essay on my school garden

I am a student in the Model School. It is situated near our house. Every morning my elder brother escorts me to the school. He comes again to pick me up in the afternoon.

My Garden Essay In English For School Students

They were brought from different parts of Pakistan. Our mangoes and guavas are the sweetest of all in the whole of the city. They are very famous far and wide for their taste and colour. There are about hundred trees of each. They are sold every year to some fruit fiche pratique business plan on lease.

short essay on my school garden

They are sold to school students at a cheap price fixed by the Principal. In the other part of the garden there are seasonal flower plants.

My School Essay – An English Essay on My School for Kids

Such plants are not permanent. They last for about six months in the year. In one corner of the garden, there are nature-study plots for lower classes. There are about flower-pots which are looked after by students. To keep my flowers away from the reach of naughty children and cattle I have kept a big fence around by garden.

short essay on my school garden

As my garden had sufficient space, two case study yamuna river pollution ago I had decided to divide it into 2 equal parts. In one part there are roses and flowers like the champa, the hasnahena, the bakul, the kabari, sun flower, night queen and the jasmine. In the monsoon season when the flowers are in their full bloom they look like a countless starts in the sky.

While on the other part of the garden I have sown various vegetable seeds. The vegetable plants are still baby plants and will take time to grow big. I have sown cabbage seeds, carrot seeds, cauliflower seeds and potato seeds.

My School Essay – An English Essay on My School for Kids

There is an iron gate in the corner. My school garden has four segments. Each segment has its unique importance. Previous students of my school have planted trees of mango, orange, and guava in one segment.

Essay on My School for Children and Students

However, our principal orders the school peons to climb the trees for collecting the fruits. Those fruits are equally distributed among the classrooms.

short essay on my school garden

In this way, we enjoy eating the organic fruits that are from the school garden. A wide range of flower plants are in another segment of the garden. They are planted by the school girls and teachers.

short essay on my school garden

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20:23 Vubar:
Age group 5 — 10 years A school is a place where people learn and study.

18:21 Arashicage:
Essay On My School In our school special attention is paid to behavior, cleanliness and punctuality.

15:02 Yozshurr:
First of all in the early morning, we pray to God for our better study and say good morning to our class teacher.